John Tremblay, We are here, 2009, Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 123 cmJohn Tremblay, "Box Set" for D.J., 2010, Spray paint on canvas, 264.5 x 86 x 5 cmJohn Tremblay, Unterschrift, 2017, Acrylic and metal on canvas, 42 x 32 cmJohn Tremblay, Pale Fire, 2015, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 117 x 112 x 5 cmJohn Tremblay, Punch in the Face, 2017, Acrylic and metal on canvas, 36 x 39.7 cmJohn Tremblay, Lives of the Planets, 2007, Acrylic on canvas, 198 x 165 cmJohn Tremblay, Hold onto your Ego, Ceramic Version, 2011, Autolack on ceramic (green), 20 x 38 x 5.5 cmJohn Tremblay, Table Sculpture - Blue, 2013, Spraypainted stencil on wood, 15 x 44.5 x 27.5 cm back to top